By Joel Miller
High Pressure Coolant Systems: Should You Take The Leap?
Every now and then a technology comes along that everyone is talking about, and high pressure coolant systems are the big topic of conversation in the manufacturing world right now. Jim and Jason discuss these amazing systems on this episode of MakingChips. They cover the advantages of high pressure coolant systems, how you can determine whether or not your company is ready for them, and wrap up the episode with tips about how you can get your team ready to take on this new technology. You won’t want to miss this episode.
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High pressure coolant systems are the flavor of the month. Have you tasted the goods?
There’s a reason that manufacturing companies all across the United States are talking about high pressure coolant systems. It’s a new way of drilling that helps control some of the major elements of the manufacturing process. These systems can actually prevent chips from falling back into the tool, which prevents damage and prolongs tool life. It’s the high pressure part of the system that makes it happen. Lubrication and coolant are provided where they are needed the most and flush chips away from the cut. This enables your metal workers to have much greater control over the process. You can learn more about high pressure systems from Jim and Jason, on this episode.
Your shop could be drilling holes like a hot knife through butter. Here’s how
High pressure, through spindle coolant is not a magic wand that makes every problem in your manufacturing process go away. But it is a major advancement in the way drilling happens that enables a faster workflow and production process. These high pressure systems enable tools to last longer, the chips to have less impact on the process, and enables metal to be cut at a much higher speed without the damage that can occur at lower speeds. On this episode, Jim and Jason put in a call to a specialist and find out whether it’s true that by using these systems, production times could increase by up to 10X. You can hear what they discover on this episode, so don’t miss it.
If you want the competitive advantage in your market, high pressure coolant systems may be the way it can happen
Imagine the difference to your production process and order fulfillment if you were able to double your production speed. What if you could triple it? What if you could crank out product even faster than that? You would have a distinct advantage in your market and could easily beat your competition, hands-down. Through spindle, high pressure coolant systems can enable your machine shop to be running at a much higher-capacity that makes those things possible. Find out why Jim and Jason are so excited about this technology and why they are encouraging manufacturers all across the nation to take the leap the next time they consider upgrading equipment.
High speed coolant systems require a team that is up to speed in order to be of benefit
The new technology available through high pressure coolant systems is advantageous in many ways, but those advantages will not be yours if you don’t take the time to properly train and equip your team to use the equipment properly. There is a learning curve involved, one that requires adjustments to technique and speed. Your team needs to understand the capabilities of the system and the advantages they can experience from these 1000 to 1200 RPM systems. You might encourage them to listen to this episode of MakingChips to get a quick education. It will fill them in on how amazing these new systems really are.
Here’s The Good Stuff!
- [0:07] Jason and Jim fill you in on why they are approaching the show in a fresh way
- [4:04] 1000 PSI Through-Coolant Spindle: A new technology for machine tools
- [6:48] Manufacturing News: The Manufacturing Industry in the U.S. is Growing Rapidly
- [9:03] Why companies need to release their P.O. sooner in order to get products on time
- [14:09] Verifying the veracity of the effectiveness of 1000 PSI coolant
- [18:31] Avoiding chip problems with a high pressure coolant system
- [21:25] The competitive advantage of a high pressure, through spindle coolant system
- [22:29] Making sure your team is ready to take on the new technology
Tools & Takeaways
- The DMDI (Digital Manufacturing, Design, and Innovation Institute)
- MHub
- Bloomberg Report: Manufacturing in the U.S. Expands
- ChipBlaster
- Iscar’s JetCut System
VIPs From The Metal Working Nation
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