By Jennifer Dubose
The Cashflow Advantage: Why the Right Banker Makes All the Difference, Ep #6
By makingchips
Solving Labor Shortages with Cobots
What started as a humble hardware store just after World War II is now a leading industrial supplier, and it’s thanks in large part to Jason’s vision and drive. For over two decades, he’s poured everything into the family business, forming it into a values-driven organization that delivers crucial expertise and support to customers—as well as the tooling and tool crib management they need. He started on the shop floor and has worked his way up to running the entire show at ZENGERS Industrial Supply, which means he knows all there is to know about starting out, building a culture and growing a company.
Jason Zenger
The Passionate Business Builder
Before he was host of MakingChips, Nick was a devoted listener. He also had a combination of metalworking and content marketing expertise that very few possess, so he always knew he had something to offer. In 2018, he teamed with Jason to further Equip and Inspire Metalworking Nation. Like Jason, Nick is also an indispensable part of a thriving family business. He is a Certified Machine Tool Sales Engineer (CMTSE), which he uses in a Sales & Marketing leadership role at Hennig and AME, two long standing and impeccable manufacturing companies.
Nick Goellner
The Relentless Idea Guy
Jason Zenger and Nick Goellner were born and raised by American manufacturers, and their lifelong story has built them into passionate and knowledgeable industry experts. They don’t just talk the talk—they walk the walk as well. Jason is at the helm of a leading industrial supplier, and Nick is a sales and marketing leader at a global OEM. Together, they have shaped MakingChips into what it is today: a place where manufacturers can learn, grow and be entertained.
The mission is simple: to equip and inspire manufacturing leaders. At MakingChips, we believe in this industry, and we believe in the people who work to make a living in it.
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